Yom Kippur Services with
During the High Holidays, the doors to heaven are open to all… so are ours!
Join us for traditional Yom Kippur Services.
High Holiday Services are blended with contemporary messages and insights in a warm and welcoming environment.
All are welcome, no membership required, no experience necessary, English/Hebrew prayer books, warm & friendly atmosphere, children's services provided.

Yom Kippur

Monthly Investors are the sustaining partners of Chabad S. Clara!
Your recurring monthly contributions empower us to continue servicing the needs of local community through our wide variety of programming such as:
Hebrew Afterschool * Shabbat Services * Bi-Weekly Torah Study * Challah Distribution To Seniors * Young Jewish Professional Community * Jewish Programs on Campus * Holiday Enrichment, Services and Dinners * Teen Programs * Bereavement Support *
Join the incredible team of Community Investors!
Noy & Viviana Itzikowitz- Cliff & Shanydel Kahn - Michael & Naama Hakimi -Stella Yosefof - Patri & Brit Friedman- Michael & Susan Lackner - Dror & Sandy Postiner - Alan Weissberger- Simcha & Frumma Rosenberg-Gottlieb- Amir Guy
Young Professionals Donors:
David Eydus - Shirah Ponce - Andrew & Hannah Wise - Shira Solomon - Eli & Tova Feiner - Baruch & Mushka Edelkopf - Guy Talmor - Moshe & Chana Rudd - Binyamin Netanelov - Ariel Licht - David Spivak - Ary & Rachel Baldioceda - Thomas & Jade
Corporate Sponsors:
Rently - Direct Home Remodeling - Brother & Brother - Sammy & Sons